I loved this, thank you. Always a fan of this kind of thing, you've introduced me to some new tiny worlds to investigate further. There's a wonderful section on Carrie Stettheimer's house in Lottie Whalen's Radicals and Rogues book. One day I'll get to see it in real life, I hope!

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Thank you for this incredible history of dollhouses. I’ve opened this in a tab to fall down all the rabbit holes later. Your childhood dollhouse is an absolute treasure! 🥰 We’re running the one in my art studio as a tiny gallery. https://www.instagram.com/borrowers.art.gallery/

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Good to see AWTN is back! 👏

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I was super lucky and was able to catch the exhibit of Frances Glessner Lee's nutshells at the Renwick Gallery. The detail and artistry blew my mind. I also love that they're still studied! I'm happily adding a visit to Chicago to see the Thorne Rooms now. Thank you for writing about them!

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Very nice! What a pleasant break amidst the daily distraction, thank you.

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